My computer has struggled of late, it kicks and screams, refusing to contribute when it comes to photographs (photoshop completely shuts it down) and a few keys don't work. I think its time is short. So I finally went back to Macintosh and am still struggling with some items but have gotten far enough to conquer a few and with time, it should get easier. I wish technology was less complicated!
My little man, who is balanced on a ball is a new piece. He is part of a show for November of 2025 and I will try and be quiet about that until much later. He is only two inches tall! Made from wire and clay, I was very proud of the fact that I could make such a little man. The title is "And the Crowd Roared", so I painted little people in the background.
There is also a new heart and a smallish piece with a lemon tree. These are available at art galleries in Charlottsville, in fact I have finally restocked everywhere after the holiday sales.
and sadly there is still the issue with the right side chop of my photographs..
Outside is still snow covered but it has been interesting to see the difference between mowed areas and gardens. The front meadow and wet meadow have been left to feed the birds and there is no doubt as to how well that works. The front meadow is always filled with birds, and I suspect a vole or two for hungry hawks. Little footprints in the snow are testament.
I continued to play with frost orbs and have a long way to go, but it's been fun.
And lastly I wanted to share these orchids. I purchased Brassavola nodosa, or so I thought, and it ended up a hybrid with no scent at night (the reason I love it). She is commonly known as Lady of the Night, so I recently bought the real brassavola and behold, with only one flower, she is incredibly fragrant and lovely! I can't wait for her to get bigger.
As I switch computers, it should get easier! Thanks for hanging in there with me.