I joined a few other photographers for a fun time of shooting at the Dupont underground on Sunday. An abandonded underground rail, various attempts have been made to utilize this space and there are hopes of turning it into an art center. The plan for the morning was light painting, which we did plenty of, and I learned about light balls which are illustrated below. To make them, someone (in this case Don Rosenberger) holds lights on a string or cord and rotates as he swings. The lights can be Christmas lights (battery operated) or a flashlight on a string. As I was told, the critical part is the placement of the hand and making sure you follow the circle, keeping your hand in basically the same place. Feet can move all around the circle, in the end you don't see the person holding the lights. Mine are blown out, or too white and I should have decreased my exposure to have the shutter open for a shorter time. I will do better next time. But I thought you might enjoy these. I love going to places like this!