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Naomi Hoffman

I'm so sorry they are getting picked off. Have you tried setting up a motion sensor light that shines on the white pine where they roost? I'm sure the owl prefers to operate in darkness, having a motion activated light may prove enough of a deterrent. Are owls territorial? Could you set up a sound system that played the sound of an owl at night, so that the real owl would not enter its 'territory' ? You could also purchase a fake plastic owl and tie it to the tree, although long-term don't know how effective that would be and/or how comfortable the guineas would be with that.


hey Naomi, thanks for the ideas. I thought about hanging things in the tree but I think the guineas would freak out more than anyone. The last thing I want them to do is move to a deciduous tree. Also, the great horned owl (like most), are currently plotting out their territory and it does't get any bigger or meaner than a great horned. When you get an owl caller, they say be careful, because each size owl feeds on the one smaller than itself. Nobody messes with a great horned. Plus, when the owl babies hatch, which might be in another month, papa owl will need more food. So my best bet is probably lights.I read the fabulous book "Wesley the Owl" and it was all about the habits of great horned owls. Anyway, I am working on solutions. We will see, but thanks for the input.

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