Twelve inches of snow fell last night, although it seems like much more. Going to feed the chickens was an ordeal but I was rewarded with a fresh, warm egg. The guineas usually stay in their roosting tree when we get this much snow, but flew down to the wood pile by the door. There they will sit all day, and probably all night because I don't see how they'll get enough momentum to fly back up into the trees. As they sit so close I can photograph them.
I've not mentioned the guineas in awhile but we are good at 11. Pearl # 7 has become a very nice gentleman and keeps 2 ladies (smart girls). The other guinea roosters are dominant, like a pack of bullies. But who's to say that the bully will attack a predator faster than gentleman Pearl, and save the damsel guinea? Alas, poor Pearl and his wives get no respect and are the last to get to the feeders in the mornings. So it goes in the world of alpha versus beta.
Before the snow, during the ice storm, I went out and photographed the snowdrops as they emerged. There's hope, spring is really coming.
And the snow always melts first from the hot compost piles. I took this picture yesterday, a day that never rose above freezing temperatures.
My terrariums are still a source of joy. A little world of green. They have not been watered since I put them together and sealed the top.
Tiny clay pieces decorate the inside. The detail in the painting is remarkable. This tiny man is the size of a penny, yet look at the detail in form and color.
Because I knew I would be snowed in, I brought homework from the studio. I'm off to do a little painting myself, it's going to be a lovely day! Crank up the music!
I am at home today too, though the store, unbelievably, is open. I am going to fix some hot tea and take more Ibuprofen!
Posted by: Threads | 02/13/2014 at 01:17 PM
Like anyone will be shopping! Enjoy your day Kim, it's always nice to have a day at home.
Posted by: Karen | 02/13/2014 at 01:39 PM
Great photo of the guineas! Stay warm!
Posted by: Leslie | 02/13/2014 at 03:26 PM