My jobs in horticulture are seasonal, winter is a period of unemployment, kind of a season of catch up. This year has been unusually long, the weather forecast is for continuing cold and below average temperatures. Now, you would think that I'm disappointed, what?!, no work yet!? But I have to be truthful, it's been one of the best winters I remember. I feathered my artist's nest in summer, bought art supplies for winter and signed up for 3 on-line classes that would take me through March. One of my goals was to conquer assemblage, something that has eluded me, or better said - it's never gone as I had hoped. The process is to put things together, assemble stuff and then finish it off in a pleasing, artistic way. My favorite artist for this is Michael DeMeng, which I have mentioned before, I love his work. He's very talented and extremely clever.
Two pieces have been finished and a third is in the works. To say I'm happy with them is an understatement. And I completely understand if this is not your style, it's weird, I know. The first piece needed a certain shade of blue. Now it seems that there's 52 shades of blue and I specifically wanted "royal blue", not that exact shade, more the blue of royalty (in my mind). Within these 52 shades there's everything from glaucous blue to periwinkle (two shades gardeners know well). So I did a little test of blues and knew right away it was Phthalo blue that I wanted.
This piece is titled "Cyclopian Royalty" and it's a talking head, the lower jaw is hinged and can be pulled up. The blue worked out well, it suits his royalty, don't you think?
My next project was a hard cover book, in this case a shell for a sketch book. I am taking one of Michael DeMengs classes called "Punk Fiction" and it's all about altered or altering books. The title for my piece is "Year of the Goat" which is the eighth sign in the 12 year Chinese Zodiac, hence the number 8 and the goat.
Now if my 56 page journal is done before I have to go to work, I will share that too. Just need a few more weeks of winter, hush you say! Just hush!!