August is the best month for the night garden followed by the second best month, September. In the night garden the flowers open as the sun sets and all are powerfully fragrant, more so as the night progresses. I plant every night scented plant I can get my hands on, so August nights are pretty spectacular. This past week the show really started as tuberose, acidanthera, and moonvine joined the others with summer flowers. There's literally so much fragrance at night that it lasts well into the morning, wafting about and reminding everyone that August is grand!
As each evening begins with new flowers, I have been testing the various fragrances. My testing is from about 8:30 to 10:00 P:M, a better test would be at 3:00 A:M. Maybe one night I'll be out there in my PJs for a more official scent test. In the meantime I have made a little list of the fragrances, mind you I'm not an expert, but they are definately very different. If I had to live with just one, it would be the tuberose. Magnificent only begins to describe the fragrance which is so heady, it stays with you as you walk away. I prefer the single tuberoses only because they are so simple and elegant in flower. The tuberose is indeed a tuber, a native of Mexico, in our climate you have to dig them up and store them dry.
Acidanthera is a corm that goes by many names. In the gladiolus family, it can be found as Gladiolus murielae and the peacock orchid. Very inexpensive, buy 100 and you will have flowers all summer. I occasionally dig them up in fall to store and replant the following year. The fragrance is sweet and light.
Datura is closely related to brugmansia, in this case the flowers are held upwards. Datura metel is the most common species, reseeding from year to year. It can become a pest but a thick layer of mulch will inhibit it. I find the fragrance lemony, like citrus.
Brugmansia becomes a shrub. I dug and stored mine from last year and it's five feet tall and wide this August. Commonly known as angel trumpet, deadly poisonous (hence the name), like datura. There are many, many hybrids, even a few with flowers that last for more than one day/night. My plant is Brugmansia 'Frosty Pink' which opens white and turns pink the second day. The fragrance is sweet in a heavy way.
Nicotiana alata is my stalwart. A happy reseeder or volunteer, as long as I don't lay on the compost too heavy or cover with mulch. Over the years I have nicotiana return in the hundreds. The fragrance is spicy and sweet, just luscious!
Moonvine is a tropical vine that loves summer waterings. When it's happy, there is massive growth, I suspect it could reach twenty feet high. The flowers have just begun and has summer progresses there will be more and more. Each flower can be five to six inches across and the fragrance is heady and sweet.
Very easy to grow from seed, and I mean VERY easy. Just provide a large support or fence, maybe not too tall so you can get close and personal with the flowers.
So there's six reasons to love the August garden, plant them all and it's the best month of the year.