I am so grateful for family, a new grand-baby and my dear, dear friends. This year had some dark moments with the loss of Mona which makes me realize that every moment of every day is a gift. In that spirit I would like to share with all of you the best in holiday wishes, may you find kind people around you and gratefulness in your heart.
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Thank you for your kind words.
Posted by: Mona Miller | 12/24/2014 at 02:29 PM
What a beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your photography.
Posted by: Susan | 12/25/2014 at 09:52 PM
Thank-you Susan, you know an ice storm always brings out the camera. It transforms the world into a magical place, (if your not driving). Hope to see you soon.
Posted by: Karen | 12/26/2014 at 08:22 AM