August began with an email from the McGuffey Art Center with a proposition, do a show, fill two of the main hallway walls with art. What do you say? And of course I said yes and here we are, the week before September and the week before a big show. I am paired with Michael Firkaly and the show is "Whimsy", which was all hung yesterday and today and indeed looks very whimsical.
To build and paint 15 new pieces would be impossible in 3 weeks, so I did my best and managed to complete 6 new and rework others. Time in my studio has been diligent and lengthily, but what came out of that are some really fun, brave and new works. The reception is this Friday, September 1 from 5:30 to 7:30 and the show hangs for the entire month. There is also an Artist's Walk and Talk, Sunday, September 10th, 2:00 - when I will detail some of the whys and ways the building process came along.
First Fridays in Charlottsville are epic and I'm excited to be such an integral part of the action. Lots more photographs of this event will be posted as well as a few before and after. There are 4 shows occupying the McGuffey building for September and they are all spectacular! Not to ignore the concerts, restaurants, and fun shops.